Day 9: Shreveport LA to Jackson MS – 217 miles
(2769 miles & 12 states overall)
Our 2017 Leap of faith tour has come to an abrupt end.
We were headed to Birmingham, Alabama when we drove into an active tornado cell outside of Jackson, Mississippi. A large tree dropped onto the interstate right in front of us and Jeannie was forced (at 70 mph) to take evasive action – grazing an adjoining car and spinning into the guard rail. Luckily, neither of us were injured. The Jag, on the other hand, was seriously damaged.
While this might be an ignominious end to our pilgrimage, we wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Contrary to what several folks told us, Route 66 is not a dead road – it is very much alive and well!
We wish to thank all of you followed our adventure and gave us encouragement. We especially want to thank all of those track day instructors (including Bob and Nadine Saville, John Forbes, and John Ballantine) for teaching us how to drive in anger. We truly believe that your instructions may very well have saved our lives today.
Now to start planning for next years’ adventure.
Bob And Jeannie Sidi