March – Mix & Mingle Luncheon / Judges Training


This year, we’ve combined our Annual Judges Training event and the Mix & Mingle Luncheon to the same date and venue.  Please use this form to register for either or both events.

Mix & Mingle / Judges Training

Registrant Information

Include a Spouse or Guest?
Spouse or Guest Name
Spouse or Guest Name

Judge's Training

Registrant Attending?
Guest Attending?

Mix & Mingle Luncheon - Meal Choices

Registrant Meal Choice
Choose Registrant Lunch Choice
Guest Meal Choice
Choose Guest Lunch Choice


You must register by Friday, February 28th.

CJC Cancelation Policy

If you cancel on or before March 3rd, your lunch costs will be fully refundable.  After that date, we will be unable to refund due to a required payment to the venue.


Cancellation Policy
Do you agree to the Cancellation Policy?