There are two steps to subscribe to the electronic Jaguar Journal. The steps are:
- Create an account on the Zinio delivery system and
- Register on JCNA.COM for an electronic subscription.
Create an account on ZInio:
- Zinio uses e-mails to deliver content notifications and access to the Zinio system.
- On your browser visit
- On the Zinio home screen click on the icon in the upper right of the panel.
- Register your Zinio account on the popup panel. The userid is the email which you will be notified on new editions.
Register for an electronic subscription on
- Visit JCNA.COM using a browser and click on LOGIN (MUST BE CLUB OR JCNA MEMBER)
- Log in JCNA.COM using your JCNA Member number and JCNA.COM password. (If you have forgotten your password use the Password Recovery option)
- Once logged into JCNA.COM, click on MEMBERS ONLY SECTION on the left.
- Use the SUBSCRIPTION TYPE pulldown to select Electronic Jag Journal
- Enter you Zinio account Email in the SUBSCRIPTION EMAIL box and enter this a second time in the CONFIRM EMAIL box. Note: (JCNA does NOT need the Zinio Account Password).
- Click SAVE to update the information in JCNA.COM
Reading the Electronic Jaguar Journal
- When each Jaguar Journal edition is published on Zinio, subscribed members will receive an e-mail notification to their Zinio registered e-mail. A click on the link in the message will take you to WWW.ZINIO.COM
- Shortly after the Zinio notification a second email will be sent from JCNA with the current Member card and any white JJ flysheet content.
- Members can access Zinio from their browser and/or phone and can access all subscribed editions.
Unsubscribing from Electronic Jaguar Journal
- Visit JCNA.COM and use the above procedure set SUBCRIPTION TYPE to HARDCOPY