Upcoming Events...

CJC April Event - The Gathering at Shelton Vineyards
The Triumph Club of the Carolinas hosts this show, and CJC participates as a club for our April event.  Updated information for the show is available here, along with the form necessary to register your car.  To show your car at this event you must register with the Triumph Club by completing the form and mailing with your check to the organizers.  The deadline to register your car at a discount is March 15th!  

April 11th – 13rd, 2025

CJC May Event - North Carolina Zoo Trip
Why not take your Jaguar to the zoo?  The North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro is home to over 1,700 animals of more than 250 species, primarily representing Africa and North America, and is one of the best in the US.  It’s also home to our official club event for the month of May!Plan at arriving by 9:30 on Saturday, May 10th, and we’ll all gather up and enter the zoo as a group and begin a tour at 10 AM.  At noon, we’ll enjoy a barbecue lunch at a reserved picnic area at Hippo Beach.  We’ll do one more walking tour after lunch, and we’ll be wrapped up around 3:30 to 4 PM.  Click the button to the right for more information!

The deadline to register is April 5th!

Triangle British Classic Car Show

The Triangle British Classic is a great show that attracts quite a few of our club members.  This is not an official CJC event, but we wanted everyone to be aware of it, so you can check it out if you get the chance. 

This event is not affiliated with CJC, but is promoted in this spirit of support for all British car lovers!

Click the link to the right to see the event flyer for more details including how to register.

May 17th, 2025

15th Annual Great Scot! British Car Show

Held in conjunction with the Greenville Scottish Games, the Great Scot! car show is in its 15th year and features 18 classes of British cars.  It’s held on the beautiful campus of Furman Uniiversity in Greenville.

This event is not affiliated with CJC, but is promoted in the spirit of support for all British car lovers!

Click on the button to the right for additional information.

May 24th, 2025

Cape Fear British Car Show

The British Motor Club of the Cape Fear will hosts its annual British Car Show on Saturday, May 31, in partnership with the Scottish Society of Wilmington and the Port City Highland Games to support paws4vets assistance dog placement program.

This event is not affiliated with CJC, but is promoted in the spirit of support for all British car lovers!

Click on the button to the right for additional information including registration information.

May 31st, 2025

CJC June Event - Kernersville, NC Visit

The June event will take us on a day trip to Kernersville, NC where we’ll visit a very special Victorian House that dates back to 1880 called Körner’s Folly.  Following a tour of the home and museum, will have lunch a nearby venue, then head over to the 11,000 square foot Kernersville Auto Museum.  There we’ll find an impressive collection of European and American automobiles spanning over 100 years of history.  Click the link to the right to see the event flyer for more details.  Sign up will begin soon.

The deadline for registration is May 31st!

June 21st, 2025

CJC July Event - Concours d'Elegance

The Carolina Jaguar Club is proud to host our 23rd annual Concours at the Switzerland Inn along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.  Registration opens on April 1st, 2025.  Last year we had attendees from ten states and nine different Jaguar clubs, including Canada.    The Inn fills up quickly, so contact them soon to book your room.

July 10th – 13th, 2025